Oyun Adı
Ekleniş Tarihi
Hile Türü
  Jackie Chan Adventures |
07.03.2003 |
Hile Kodu |
  Jackie Chan Adventures: Legend of the Dark Hand |
27.03.2004 |
Hile Kodu |
  Jackie Chan: Stuntmaster |
22.11.2004 |
Hile Kodu |
  Jade Cocoon 2 |
18.03.2004 |
GameShark |
  James Bond 007 Agent Under Fire |
08.01.2003 |
Hile Kodu |
  James Cameron's Dark Angel |
23.03.2004 |
İpucu |
  Jarrett and Labonte Stock Car Racing |
26.02.2004 |
İpucu |
  Jarrett and Labonte Stock Car Racing |
26.02.2004 |
Hile Kodu |
  Jarrett and Labonte Stock Car Racing |
26.02.2004 |
GameShark |
  Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast |
07.03.2003 |
Hile Kodu |
  Jeopardy |
18.03.2004 |
GameShark |
  Jeopardy 2nd Edition |
18.03.2004 |
GameShark |
  Jeopardy! |
18.03.2004 |
Hile Kodu |
  Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 |
16.10.2004 |
Hile Kodu |
  Jeremy McGrath Supercross World |
11.01.2003 |
Hile Kodu |
  Jeremy McGrath Supercross World |
07.03.2003 |
Hile Kodu |
  Jet X20 |
20.02.2004 |
Hile Kodu |
  Jikkyou American Baseball |
18.03.2004 |
Hile Kodu |
  Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius |
27.03.2004 |
GameShark |
  Jimmy Neutron: Jet Fusion |
24.02.2004 |
Hile Kodu |
  J-League Jikkyou 98-99 |
23.03.2004 |
Hile Kodu |
  Johnny Bazookatone |
18.03.2004 |
Hile Kodu |
  Johnny Bazookatone |
18.03.2004 |
GameShark |
  Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 2 |
18.01.2003 |
Hile Kodu |
  Jonny Moseley Mad Trix |
20.02.2004 |
GameShark |
  Jonny Moseley Mad Trix |
12.01.2003 |
Hile Kodu |
  Judge Dredd |
18.03.2004 |
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  Juiced |
13.07.2005 |
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  Juiced |
13.07.2005 |
Hile Kodu |
  Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights |
09.02.2008 |
Hile Kodu |
  Jumping Flash |
18.03.2004 |
GameShark |
  Jumping Flash 2 |
18.03.2004 |
GameShark |
  JumpStart Wildlife Safari Field Trip |
18.03.2004 |
GameShark |
  Jupiter Strike |
18.03.2004 |
GameShark |
  Jupiter Strike |
18.03.2004 |
Hile Kodu |
  Jurassic Park 3: Park Builder |
27.03.2004 |
Hile Kodu |
  Jurassic Park 3: The DNA Factor |
27.03.2004 |
GameShark |
  Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis |
06.04.2003 |
Hile Kodu |
  Just Cause |
25.01.2008 |
Hile Kodu |